Flawsome Sticker

Flawsome Sticker

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Do you have cellulite? Yeah, me too! 

How about stretch marks? Yup...in every color, size, and location. 

Grey hairs? Since I was 20 

Do you have freckles, birth marks, sun damage, melasma, acne, or a number of other skin spots? I have several of those too! 

There are so many ‘flaws’ that make each and every one of us unique in our very own way. Why try to hide any of these when you can just choose to be flawsome instead?!? What is flawsome?! FLAWSOME: (adj.) A person who embraces all their quirks and ‘flaws’ and realises they are awesome regardless.

Sounds amazing to me!

MEASUREMENTS: 4” x 1.44”